Audio links

Due to tumblr's TOS, all audio links will be posted here with correlating descriptions on tumblr. None of this content is my own, this is simply a directory I have created to bring you to other users' content. All audios will be xF!listener unless otherwise specified because the site limits my character count. These are all 18+ and very explicit/NSFW! MINORS DNI. If you have a concern, please DM me on tumblr @axnrxn about it.


Mostly accent and personality-based. Any audio that is specifically Konig RP will be labeled "(KRP)".

Simon "Ghost" Riley

Any audio that is specifically Ghost RP will be labeled "(GRP)".

Johnny "Soap" MacTavish

Mostly accent and personality-based. Any audio that is specifically Johnny RP will be labeled "(JRP)".